This is what would happen:
[sorry for the advertisements. . . . only video I could find online]
it would eliminate drive by's (gangs).
bank robbery.
( handing the bank teller a note, this is stick up without a gun).
This is what would happen:
[sorry for the advertisements. . . . only video I could find online]
the best answer to this question ever.
i don't tire listening to it.
"i am not, i am not simply the one who says 'i'" .
Actually, it wasn't directed at you at all. Just a "rule of thumb."
I love Hume too!
Maybe I should have been more precise. . . .
Continental philosophers (e.g. Derrida) tend to raise more questions than they answer.
Analytic philosophers (e.g. Hume's descendants) tend to answer more questions than they raise.
And then there's a bunch who "overlap" (hate to use that term!)
That is my sweeping generalization about philosophers.
the best answer to this question ever.
i don't tire listening to it.
"i am not, i am not simply the one who says 'i'" .
A philosopher's job is to raise questions, not answer them.
Something to keep in mind when listening to/reading their stuff.
i've quickly read through watchtower's submission to the royal commission.
seems like they aren't planning to change policy anytime soon.
they are critical of how the royal commission handled the situation.. the tone is of the submission is shear arrogance.
Just perusing the WT response and reading through the comments, basically what Watchtower is saying is:
"There is no such thing as a legitimate criticism of Jehovah's Witnesses' policies, procedures or beliefs."
. . . in other words:
they seem to have laid off their proofreaders.
in the new 03/2016 study watchtower there is a picture description:a mature young person does not act like a friend of god at the kingdom hall but a friend of the world at school.
the german issue saysein reifer junger mensch verhalt sich im konigreichssaal nicht wie ein freund jehovas und in der schule wie ein freund der welt.
Evidently, a new, multi-million euro Remote Translation Office needs to be built closer to native German speaking people in order to get the most accurate translation possible.
Also required is that the RTO is a lakefront property with a dock, boathouse, boat, swimming pool, sauna, hot tub. . .
i know this has been mentioned before, that words at the ends of lines are continually being cut in half and hyphenated.
i think a suggestion was made and if i could find the thread i would follow it but it may have been removed, i've gone back in 'forum related' topics several months.. i can see it's not just me that it happens to and i have been trying to ignore it because life is too short and all that.
i'm just starting to find it really annoying now.
I've never had that hap-
But I have had huge portions of text just DISAPPEAR.
following on from the excellent thread started by open mind.... rather than calling the cult members brother smith etc what about calling them "sheep smith".
sheep jones?.
sheep morris the third?.
i think it was punkofnice who came up with the phrase, "apathy carts".
how apropos.. yesterday i encountered a car group of witnesses in my community as i was coming home from the gym.
actually, their van was blocking me from entering my driveway.
Evidently, they returned invisibly.
I believe the new Field Service Report slips have not only a place where you may count your video "showings," but also a column for "Invisible Return Visits."
god prohibited the eating of blood.
in genesis, leviticus and deuteronomy the edict is clear: "do not eat blood !
" when the apostles said "abstain from blood," jewish christians must have contextually understood that to mean "do not eat blood.
From the people who brought you the logic behind "generation = contemporaries" comes an explanation of "abstain from blood" that could possibly kill you.
the watchtower are humans.
they have never had any conversation with any god, let alone one by a made up name.
they never had any power at all bestowed upon them.
So is Soylent Green!!!